Opening | 15th September| 10 PM
is Paulo Nozolino's latest work. After the acclaimed exhibition "Le reste
est ombre", at the Georges Pompidou Center, in Paris, alongside Pedro
Costa and Rui Chafes, which took place between June and August, the
photographer returns to Lisbon after a seven-year break.
"Loaded Shine", Nozolino’s previous work, was based on a closed
plane, even asphyxiating, where man struggles with the destruction of his own
space and humanity walks in the opposite direction of the sun,
"Oracle" grows in the opposite way, pointing to a journey as
spiritual as it is profane, based on a return to the origins of a classical and
prophetic Europe. Nozolino brings together works that span time from 2013 to
2020 and pass through places like Naples, Sicily, or Buenos Aires to challenge
us with that which questions the human being: his ability to be on earth and in
heaven, to be mortal and to be eternal, power and counterpower. The duality
that leads to the search that will always be knowledge, but also temperament.
The journey, because there is always a journey in Nozolino, is no longer to
ruin, it goes straight to construction. With no point of arrival other than the
present, it departs from that Ancient Greece, where everything was learned.