Gonçalo Sena in the group show W.E.L.T.001 - Apophenia at Gr_und
Porous Structure, 2018. concrete, copper wire, polyurethane, photocopy on paper, glue, acrylic glass 
Gr_und, Berlin-Wedding, Berlin, Germany
W.E.L.T.001 - Apophenia

Gonçalo Sena is one of the artists in the group exhibition W.E.L.T.001 - Apophenia, opening on the 20th of April at Gr_und in Berlin-Wedding. The exhibition "asks how we experience, organise and hence construct the reality that we perceive". Curated by Théo Pozoga, Karin Schlageter and Anna Siebold, the show will be running until the 13thof May in the non-profit space Gr_und.

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