Musa paradisiaca | Affaires Étrangères — Negócios Estrangeiros
CAC Torres Vedras, Torres Vedras, Portugal + Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Paris, France
Affaires Étrangères — Negócios Estrangeiros

Musa paradisiaca presents the sound installation O Diplomata Fatiado, 2022, at the collective exhibition Negócios Estrangeiros / Affaires Étrangères, curated by Maud Jacquin and Sébastian Pluot with Luísa Especial.

Affaires Étrangères / Negócios Estrangeiros (Foreign Affairs) is a simultaneous exhibition accompanied by performances and a conference taking place in several venues in France and Portugal. It will present the original works of over 30 artists and thinkers exploring the forms and paradoxes of diplomatic action and language. The works of this community of translators will be “translated” from one country to another throughout the exhibition and on the occasion of events conceived as “diplomatic acts”.

Opening | 9.4.2022

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