Rigo 23 | Science Fiction(s) | Autonomous InterGalactic Space Program
Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna, Austria
Science Fiction(s) | Autonomous InterGalactic Space Program

The Autonomous InterGalactic Space Program (AISP) is an informal collaboration between Rigo 23 and the process set in motion by the EZLN (Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional) when, on 1 January 1994, it announced itself as an armed rebel group, yielding poetry as a main weapon with which to create spaces for many other worlds to exist and flourish within this globalized world. A process led from the Maya territories of South Eastern Mexico, by Maya peasants and their allies.

Since 2009’s first “World Festival of Dignified Rage” (Digna Rabia), Rigo has collaborated with artists and embroiderers from Zapatista Autonomous territories, consulted with local leadership, and worked with artists, poets, and organizers to keep AISP an ongoing collaboration.

First exhibited at REDCAT in Los Angeles (2012), and most recently at the Queens Museum in New York (2019), this is the first time AISP is shown in Slumil KAjxemkOp, or Insubmissive Land, as the Zapatista delegation, which visited Europe in 2021, renamed the Continent.

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